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VIІ International Investment Business Forum on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Kyiv
Event date: 10.11.2015

Under the auspices of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, with the support of international technical assistance projects, the VIІ International Investment Business Forum on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will be held on 10-13 November 2015 at the International Exhibition Centre in Kyiv (15 Brovarskyi Avenue, “Livoberezhna” metro station).

According to Mr. Serhiy Savchuk, Head of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, on the way of becoming an energy independent state Ukraine should consolidate the efforts of government and business community, which is actually the main goal of this unique event. “During seven years the Forum became the networking centre, innovative technologies platform and exclusive exhibition of the latest models of equipment”, – Mr. Savchuk highlighted. The Forum with its side events provides new opportunities for a useful exchange of experience, promoting energy efficient technologies, searching for optimal solutions to address contemporary challenges, concluding mutually beneficial agreements, establishing partnerships and expanding business contacts.

This year’s Forum will focus on the following issues:
– Financial instruments for promoting energy efficiency;
– Government initiatives in the housing sector and international projects;
– ESCO: implementation potential, best practices, institutional barriers;
– Energy management in the public sector. Local initiatives and international experience;
– Status and prospects of renewable energy development in the context of European integration processes.

Participation in the event is free of charge. View/download the programme, get registered and learn more at:

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