Energy Efficiency Projects in Ukraine
Energy Efficiency
in Municipalities
Establishment of Energy Agencies in Ukraine
Energy Efficient
Pilot Project

Seminar “Human capital as a basis for energy monitoring information system”, Zhytomyr
Event date: 16.11.2016

The event will be held in Zhytomyr, at 15 p.m., on November 16, 2016, at the address: 4/2 Maidan S.P. Koroliova square, Zhytomyr City Council (press centre, 1st floor).

Key speakers:

  • Mr. Borys Pakholiuk, Deputy Director of Department for Economic Development, Zhytomyr City Council
  • Mr. Serhiy Harashchuk, Director of Department for Budget and Finances, Zhytomyr City Council
  • Ms. Inna Semencha, FIATU, Ukraine
  • Mr. Oleksiy Hnatenko, FIATU, Ukraine
  • Ms. Natalia Kryshtopa, FIATU, Ukraine

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ІІІ Energy Partnership Forum ’17 “Energy Management: Best Practices”, Kyiv

Оn April 27, 2017, the “Parkovyi” Convention and Exhibition Center in Kyiv will host the III Energy Partnership Forum ’17 “Energy Management: Best Practices”. Organisers: State Agency…

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Seminar “Effective management of a multi-family building. New opportunities for internally displaced persons”, Харків

The event will be held in Kharkiv, on April 26, 2017 at 11:00 a.m., with the support of the project “Energy Efficiency in Municipalities” implemented on…

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(Українська) Тренінг “Регіональна програма розбудови енергоменеджменту в містах Харківської області”, Харків

Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.

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