Energy Efficiency Projects in Ukraine
Energy Efficiency
in Municipalities
Establishment of Energy Agencies in Ukraine
Energy Efficient
Pilot Project

Round table “HOAs as a tool for improving energy efficiency of residential buildings. The dialogue between authorities and communities”, Lubny
Event date: 11.05.2016

The event will be held on May 11, 2016 at 12:30 in the town of Lubny, which is a partner of the consortium led by Poltava Regional State Administration under the project “Energy Efficiency in Municipalities” implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It will bring together representatives of local authorities, HOAs, other stakeholders.

The main discussions will be focused on the following key issues:

  • Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) of Lybny;
  • Construction sector as an integral part of SEAP;
  • The main stages of HOAs establishment according to the updated legislation;
  • Development and implementation of municipal programs in residential sector, including those on the co-financing mechanism. State support to HOAs;
  • Options for financing energy efficiency measures in multifamily buildings.

The round table will be moderated by the Project Consultants Mr. Dmytro Marusych and Ms. Viktoria Pohorielova.

Upcoming events


ІІІ Energy Partnership Forum ’17 “Energy Management: Best Practices”, Kyiv

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Seminar “Effective management of a multi-family building. New opportunities for internally displaced persons”, Харків

The event will be held in Kharkiv, on April 26, 2017 at 11:00 a.m., with the support of the project “Energy Efficiency in Municipalities” implemented on…

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(Українська) Тренінг “Регіональна програма розбудови енергоменеджменту в містах Харківської області”, Харків

Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.

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