Energy Efficiency Projects in Ukraine
Energy Efficiency
in Municipalities
Establishment of Energy Agencies in Ukraine
Energy Efficient
Pilot Project

Seminar “Instruments for Developers of National Strategies: Energy Benchmarking and National Action Plan Monitoring Platform”, Kyiv
Event date: 20.10.2015

The seminar will be held at the premises of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine at the address: Kyiv, Museum Lane, 12, 3d floor.

Target group: representatives of the ministries, institutions and universities dealing with the issues of energy efficiency in public bulidngs.

The seminar participants will be informed and trained on the measures of implementing the National Action Plans on energy efficiency, in particular, the methods of collecting energy data, monitoring and benchmarking use (criteria) wil be presented. Through practical exercises, participants will later on be able to independently work with the same database.

Upcoming events


ІІІ Energy Partnership Forum ’17 “Energy Management: Best Practices”, Kyiv

Оn April 27, 2017, the “Parkovyi” Convention and Exhibition Center in Kyiv will host the III Energy Partnership Forum ’17 “Energy Management: Best Practices”. Organisers: State Agency…

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Seminar “Effective management of a multi-family building. New opportunities for internally displaced persons”, Харків

The event will be held in Kharkiv, on April 26, 2017 at 11:00 a.m., with the support of the project “Energy Efficiency in Municipalities” implemented on…

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(Українська) Тренінг “Регіональна програма розбудови енергоменеджменту в містах Харківської області”, Харків

Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.

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