Energy Efficiency Projects in Ukraine
Energy Efficiency
in Municipalities
Establishment of Energy Agencies in Ukraine
Energy Efficient
Pilot Project

Forum “Investment opportunities for regional development of Kyiv Region”, Kyiv
Event date: 31.05.2016

The event will be held on May 31, 2016, at 10 a.m., in the Terminal Mall at the address: 316 Kyivska St., Brovary.

Organisers: Kyiv Regional State Administration with the support of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs as well as international organisations and donors – GIZ, USAID, NEFCO, EBRD.

City mayors, heads of towns and villages, heads of district state administrations, HOAs, municipal enterprises and other stakeholders engaged in local policies in the field of housing, municipal economy and regional development of Kyiv region.

Agenda of the forum provides for the following discussion panels:

  • Panel 1: Support of international institutions in the implementation of infrastructural projects in Ukraine: grants, loans, consulting
  • Panel 2: Experience of local communities in the implementation of investment opportunities

Ms. Ima Khrenova-Shymkina, Deputy Director of the project “Energy Efficiency in Municipalities” implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, will contribute to the event with the presentation on implementing investment opportunities in the context of improving energy efficiency in the project partner cities.

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Seminar “Effective management of a multi-family building. New opportunities for internally displaced persons”, Харків

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(Українська) Тренінг “Регіональна програма розбудови енергоменеджменту в містах Харківської області”, Харків

Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.

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