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6th European-Ukrainian Energy Day “Energy Democracy – National Choice. Individual Responsibility”, Kyiv
Event date: 05.11.2015

On 5 November 2015 the 6th European-Ukrainian Energy Day entitled “Energy Democracy – National Choice. Individual Responsibility” will be held in Kyiv, Premier Palace hotel. Organized by the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) and its partners, with the support of Ukrainian-German cooperation projects implemented by GIZ, the event will bring together energy professionals, law makers, developers, SMEs and major corporations, IFIs, NGOs, international donors and entrepreneurs, operating in Ukraine.

This year’s Energy Day will focus on Energy Democracy – “a political, economic, social and cultural concept that merges technological energy transition with strengthening of democracy and public participation. This concept is connected with an ongoing decentralization of energy systems with energy efficiency and renewable energy being used also for energy ownership transition”.

The event will feature a large variety of outstanding speakers and guests, in particular, Mr. Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mr. Mats Lundin, EUEA Chairman of the Board, Mr. Nataliya Katser-Buchkovska, MP and Head of Sub Committee on Sustainable Development, Strategy and Investments, etc. Special keynote addresses will be delivered by the Governor of Ukraine’s Odessa Oblast Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili and the Director of Energy Community Secretariat in Vienna Mr. Janez Kopac.

The Energy Day’s agenda includes the following issues:
– Energy Democracy: what it is, how to reach it
– Policy, reforms, responsibilities – a year in review from various perspectives
– The energy market and the role of renewable energy
– Focus on energy efficiency: the residential sector – exposing the real problems
– Focus on renewable energy – beyond green tariffs: new laws, procedures and opportunities
– Attracting investments: legal framework and opportunities to boost the country’s economic growth

View/download the programme, get registered and learn more at:

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